Anyone who tells you they have the answer to this question must be foolish, right? Well that is partially true; however, being prepared for the future is somewhat simpler than you might think. Now more than ever, estate planners are understanding the benefit they can provide to individuals, creating a well-thought-out plan to ensure your assets pass to whom you would like them to.
Since we're all staying home and staying safe, it is a great time to create, or re-visit, our estate planning documents. If you have an existing estate plan, I recommend you read through it and ask yourself the following questions:
Are the appointed administrators of your estate still the best people to handle those responsibilities? Have you spoken about this with them lately?
Are the people you appointed to undertake guardianship of your minor children still up to the task? Have you spoken about this with them lately?
Are you still comfortable with the way you set up the distribution of your assets?
Are your named beneficiaries still the ones you'd like to receive your assets?
Is your financial status and familial relationships substantially similar to when you set up the estate plan?
If you do not have an estate plan, now is the time, even if it is only to set up a simple initial plan so that there is something in place. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I am available for initial consultations, phone calls, and video chats.
While I cannot tell you what the future will hold, I can help you design a road map to ensure your final wishes are met and those you love are adequately accounted for.